Add New Email Account in Outlook 2016

Outlook 2016 is the email tool included with Microsoft’s Office 365 Productivity suite, and can be easily configured to work with your WHC email accounts.

Before starting, please make sure you have Outlook 2016 installed, and that you have created an email account with WHC.

  1. Open Outlook 2016
  2. Click File » Add Account
  3. When prompted, enter your email address
  4. Click Advanced options
  5. Check Let me set up my account manually
  6. Click Connect
  7. Choose account type IMAP or POP

Which to choose: IMAP or POP?

IMAP: Keeps your emails on the server, facilitating the sharing and synchronizing of your email across multiple devices. Requires an active Internet connection to read your old emails.

POP(3): Saves emails onto your device (computer, tablet or smartphone). This is good if you wish to view the emails while offline. However, this does not sync across multiple devices. For example, if you wish to delete an email you would have to delete it from every device, not just one.

If you are unsure, we recommend choosing an IMAP configuration.

You’ll now be prompted to provide your server configuration, where you have to enter the following information:

Incoming mail

  1. Server: (replace with your domain name, thus if your domain was then you would put
  2. Encryption method: SSL/TLS
  3. If IMAP, port: 993 (recommended secure configuration) or 143 (insecure)
  4. If POP, port: 995 (recommended secure configuration) or 110 (insecure)
  5. Check the box This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS) if you chose a secure port
  6. Do not check the box require logon using secure Password Authentication (SPA)

Outgoing mail (Also referred to as SMTP)

  1. Server: (replace with your domain name, thus if your domain was then you would put
  2. Port: 465 (recommended secure configuration) or 26 (insecure)
  3. Encryption method: SSL/TLS
  4. Do not check the box require logon using secure Password Authentication (SPA)
  5. Message delivery: leave blank
  6. Click Next
  7. Enter the password for the account
  8. Click Connect

The email account is now set up in Outlook 2016!

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