How to Create a Subdomain on cPanel


Creating a subdomain can be a useful way to organize and manage different sections of your website. A subdomain is a prefix added to your main domain name, allowing you to create a unique web address for specific content. For example, if your main domain is, you could create a subdomain such as for your blog.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a subdomain using cPanel.


  1. Log into cPanel on the account to add the subdomain on
  2. Click Domains under the "Domains" section
  3. Click the Create A New Domain button
  4. Enter the subdomain name to add in the "Domain" text box (e.g.,
  5. Deselect the "Share document root (/home/username/public_html) with domain.tld" option
  6. Enter the directory where you want the files for this subdomain to exist (We recommend you use the autofilled option)
  7. Click the Submit button
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