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  • How can I link my domain to my Blogger account?

How can I link my domain to my Blogger account?

Once you subscribe to Google's services, you got the chance to create a free blog. It allows you to point your domain name to your blog. After this, you can do the following:

  1. Go to your blog and click on Basics under the Settings tab. In the "Publishing" section, click the link to add a custom domain.
  2. Enter your personalized domain name with "www". Example: www.test.com .
  3. Click Save.
  4. Access to your domain manager.
  5. Connect to the advanced zone editor.
  6. Create two CNAME entries. The first CNAME is the same for everyone, Name being "www" and Destination "ghs.google.com." The second CNAME is specific to your blog and your Google Account, and is therefore different for each person.
  7. So far, your blog operates only with "www". So that it might be functional without the "www", you are requested to add the folowing A records:

    That’s it! Your blogspot.com address will soon redirect to your new custom domain -- be patient, as it might take up to 24 hours for the redirect to start working. If you're still seeing an error after 24 hours, it means your settings weren't entered correctly and you should try the process a second time.
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