How to Use Zen Cart
To obtain general help about osCommerce, we recommend the application's website:
This website contains news, tutorials, downloads, FAQs, a forum, and more, thereby allowing you to maximize your use of Zen Cart's features.
For further help, please consult the following Flash tutorials. These show you how to perform basic tasks in Zen Cart. Some interfaces have slightly changed since the videos were created (because of updates and new features), but the videos remain valid and should not be ambiguous.
- Adding product categories
- Adding products
- Banner management
- Store configuration
- Currency configuration
- Customer management
- Modify the homepage — note that the path of file header.php has changed since this tutorial was created. Instea of includes/languages/english, path includes/languages/english/classic is now used.
- Modify the left/right columns
- Send an email from Zen Cart
- Installing de Zen Cart
- Sending a newsletter
- Adding a payment module
- Configuring the options/attributes of products
- Adding a shipping module
- Adding specials
- Configuring sales taxes
Article ID: #HC5014