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  • How to Install Web Apps Automatically with Softaculous (1-click Apps)

How to Install Web Apps Automatically with Softaculous (1-click Apps)

Softaculous is an "auto-installer" tools that can be used to install various web applications on your hosting account, and keep them updated as newer versions are released. This can be a huge time saver since manual installations and upgrades are not only time-consuming, but also error-prone.

To use Softaculous, you must connect to your control panel (cPanel) using your secure username and password. Once connected, click on 1-click Apps in the Popular Tools section.

  • In Softaculous, a list of software available for automatic installations will be shown on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on the one you are interested in learning more about and you'll have access to an overview, a live demo, user-submitted ratings and reviews, and a direct installation link. Simply click on the Install link once you're ready, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Please note that if you plan on installing an application as your web site's homepage, you will need to leave the folder field blank. Otherwise, if you plan on installing multiple different applications, you should install each application in their own folder. Installing multiple applications in the same folder is a very bad idea, and will inevitably cause conflicts and errors.


Article ID: #HC5015

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