Titles and META Tags
One of the most important optimizations that you can make to your pages to increase your visibility in search engines is to choose a good title.
The title of a HTML page is contained in the <title> tag, and needs to be placed in the <head> section of your page. With most popular site builder tools (Wordpress, Weebly, Presence builder, and others) the title can be set from the general settings screen, so you won't need to start changing HTML code manually.
Meta tags are hidden information on an HTML page describing the content of the page (meta-description) or the keywords to target (meta-keywords). This information is used mainly by search engines when displaying search results. For example, the description of a website on a page of search results on Google is drawn directly from the meta tag description on the page itself.
Although the meta tags played a very important role in the listing of a site several years ago, this is no longer the case today. The meta tags no longer affect the indexing of a site in major search engines as much as they used to. The popularity of a site is now mostly affected by its link popularity. The meta description is no longer part of the algorithm for displaying the results, but it is used to display a summary of the site in search results so it is advisable to prepare a well-written short paragraph to attract more clicks.
Here are some tips for your titles and META tags:
- Use a title that has less than 65 characters.
- Use meta tags "keywords" and "description" of less than 250 characters.
- Use an effective selling text in your meta "description"; your visitors will see this text in the results of search engines.
- Separate their keywords in the META keywords by a comma, and not over-emphasized its keywords.
- Target groups of 2-3 keywords together for optimal results
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