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  • Change file permissions recursively using the FileZilla software

Change file permissions recursively using the FileZilla software

In this article, we will see how to change file permissions recursively using the FileZilla software.

  1. You need to connect to your FTP with FileZilla. Enter the host (ftp.domain.com or the IP address of the server) , your User (The same user as your cPanel account) and your password (The same password as your cPanel account).

    connexion filezilla

  2. Right click on the directory you want to change the rights recursively and click on ''File Permissions''.

    filezilla options

  3. In the ''Numeric value'' case, you need to write ''755'' and choose the ''Apply to directories only'' option for directories and ''644'' with ''Apply to files only'' for files.

    filezilla droits

There you go, the rights havs been changed recursively!

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